Prepare for Your Thanksgiving Feast by Organizing Your Pantry

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As Thanksgiving approaches, entertaining more guests becomes the norm. That means your pantry will be bursting with the food items you need to make each meal leading up to the big day. There’s no better way to avoid feeling overwhelmed with food preparation than to get your ingredients in order! Here are four tips to help you prepare for your Thanksgiving feast by organizing your pantry.
1. Take time to sort.
When it comes to holiday planning, having your food supplies easily accessible is a must. After you’ve purchased all the food you need, try organizing by recipe. Take a few small bins and sort your non-perishable ingredients according to each dish’s needs.
2. Label everything.
It’s time to start tagging bins after all the ingredients have been sorted. Make finding what you need a snap when you clearly label each container with the name of the dish and which ingredients are stored within. To make things even easier, put the recipe in the bin as well. That way, you won’t have to search for it when you’re ready to create your masterpiece.
3. Store like with like.
Once you have your bins filled and labeled, it’s time to organize the bigger picture. Whether you use shelving or cabinetry, think about storing your pantry belongings in zones. Consider having one section dedicated to baking supplies, another for entertaining and celebrations, a section for snacks and one more for everyday meals.
4. Don’t forget about the tools.
Sure, the ingredients making up a dish are important, but a meal just isn’t the same without the proper tools and appliances. Ensure you have easy access to the things you need by giving them a special place. Consider hanging spatulas and whisks on hooks on the wall. As for larger items, such as blenders and crockpots, store them in drawers and cupboards in order to use your space most efficiently.
Preparing for Thanksgiving and the remaining holiday season is easy when you implement these simple organizing techniques!
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